Global manufacturer and supplier of weighing equipment in the rail industry.

Urban Rail

Industry Overview

Urban rail relates to services within urban and suburban areas such as trams, trolleys and streetcars and can vary between capacity and speed. Urban rail (also known as Light rail) is specifically designed to provide minimal vibrations, high energy efficiency and ultra-smooth running qualities. However with high passenger volumes and the need for sustainable mobility urban rail vehicles need to ensure minimal vehicle wear to maintain low maintenance/infrastructure costs. Understanding the operational capabilities of vehicles and highlighting weight differentials is critical when trying to ensure passenger safety and achieve environmental efficiency.

What we provide

Our static train weighing systems are portable and easily installed. This allows those within the urban rail market the ability to weigh each bogie (twin and triple bogies) or the full railcar (pairs of twin bogies and pairs of triple bogies i.e. four and six axles) with accurate individual wheel, axle and total vehicle weights. All our train weighing systems use bespoke rail keys allowing installation in virtually any gauge of track. These static systems are beneficial in the building or rebuilding of a railcar.

All our static systems use our ptwX software which helps to confirm lateral displacement through understanding body to bogie measurements and documents the weighing results in relationship to the train configuration. This is useful for rolling stock refurbishment, routine servicing and rail maintenance depots which need to identify any possible issues relating to safety and loading symmetries and ensure all rolling stock is fully compliant with train safety regulations. In addition we can also provide our PTW indicator which can accurately display the individual wheel weights of the railcar.


Our static train weighing systems have proven invaluable for customers such as:

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